My Best Friend’s Wedding

“Le mariage de ma meilleure amie”


There is not enough room on the World Wide Web to express how awesome it was to shoot the wedding of my friend Celine and her love Morris. The fact that she was my first friend to get married, and that I was there from the moment they met to the moment they promised their life to each other made this day so meaningful I remember only half of it. As if I was getting married.


Oh and also, I like to pretend I am the reason why her and Morris are together.


See, back in 2009, Morris and Celine were roommates with a crush on each other from day 1, and they had elected me their confidant. Morris was cute, Morris was sweet, Celine was the best, Celine was the coolest. They would talk about it a lot, but never to each other. After a whole year of that game, I had enough and broke the ice in front of both of them, all of our friends, and some tequila shots. I left the next day for a week on the West Coast, thinking I had made two friends really mad at me. But when I came back, Morris and Celine were together.


Their small New York celebration will be followed by a huge wedding on the French Riviera next summer, and, even in the thick of wedding season here, I will be with them in spirit. And I hope that, like she did with her friends this time, Celine calls me on Skype when she is getting ready.




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